
Vadouvan can be used in any dish that calls for curry and can be applied to a variety of proteins and vegetables resulting in a traditional curry flavor with a French twist.

Traditionally used in Koazombu (Tamil Nadu gravy) over white rice. Vadouvan can be applied to a variety of proteins and vegetables to create French aromatic flavor profile to a traditional Indian yellow curry.

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Vadouvan Inspiration

Vadouvan old fashioned

Vadouvan Old Fashioned

What Is Vadouvan?

A French-Indian fusion, Vadouvan is the derivative of a masala with the addition of alliums such as onion and garlic. This popular spice blend can be the base seasoning for a curry that is eaten over white rice or with meat and vegetables. It gets its great color from mustard seed and turmeric, and also contains chili pepper for a little added heat.

How Vadouvan Has Been Used

Vadouvan has been used in a curry style application for years, but the spice mixture is meant to go beyond that.

It can simply be sprinkled over finished meat or vegetables or used to season fried foods such as pakora. Add it to soups or sauces as a base of flavor or even fold into pastas and other starch-based dishes.

The History of Vadouvan

Vadouvan originated in an early French colony that was established in India. It was popular for a time but then lost its mainstream appeal up until around 2010. Its use started popping up recently in fine dining kitchens and has been a favorite spice blend of many of the best chefs for the last few years.

The Spiceology Vadouvan

What makes Spcieology’s Vadouvan blend so special is its onion and garlic based profile. The sweetness it offers is balanced by smoke and a little heat. Its use is wide and can add much to any dish it is called for. Experiment with this versatile blend and you will not be disappointed.